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Seven Reasons Salespeople Talk Too Much

Why do we often talk more than we should? When other people talk too much, we notice immediately. When we talk too much, everyone else notices except us.  Here are a few possible explanations:  1. Anxiety. People who are anxious use an avalanche of words to...

The Costs of Ego, Part 2

In follow-up to Part 1: Why Businesses Fail Dr. Paul Nutt of Ohio State University conducted more than two decades of research, with hundreds of organizations, on why business decisions go awry. He discovered three key reasons why 50 percent of decisions fail: 1. More...

The Costs of Ego, Part 1

“Ego is the invisible line item on every company’s profit and loss statement.” – David Marcum and Steven Smith in egonomics: What Makes Ego Our Greatest Asset (or Most Expensive Liability), Fireside, 2007 Fifty-three percent of businesspeople...