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If C.H.A.N.G.E. Was an Acronym

If C.H.A.N.G.E. Was an Acronym

Managing Change in Organizations. If change was an acronym, what would it be? C.H.A.N.G.E.: Constant Havoc Amidst Nervous Grumbling Employees or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Challenging, Hostile, And No-Good Edicts (from management) or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Corrosive Headaches Arriving and...
New Leader Onboarding

New Leader Onboarding

Now that you’ve hired ’em, what are you going to do with ’em? Once you have gone through the search and recruiting process, invested a fair amount of time and money, and selected the right candidate (in whom you are now going to invest even more time...
The 5 Cs of Employee Fit

The 5 Cs of Employee Fit

A topic that I frequently speak with executives and managers about is their work environment… and their ability to influence their company’s culture. Although the leaders at the top of the organization have an important role in molding and shaping it, a frequently...
Communication in Conflict

Communication in Conflict

How do you remain calm, cool, and collected when conflicts escalate? We’ve all been there: encountering someone in a fit of road rage; a neighbor upset about another neighbor’s transgression; dealing with a beloved toddler in the middle of a melt-down. Typically, we...