For Leaders, Relationships are Key at Work
I engage with business owners and leaders every day, and too-frequently I observe that too many view employees more as resources and as a means to an end than as human beings. More as tools to be directed, managed, and coordinated than people to be coached, mentored,...
If C.H.A.N.G.E. Was an Acronym
Managing Change in Organizations. If change was an acronym, what would it be? C.H.A.N.G.E.: Constant Havoc Amidst Nervous Grumbling Employees or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Challenging, Hostile, And No-Good Edicts (from management) or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Corrosive Headaches Arriving and...
Simple Tools to Fight Stress
Chris Kresser is a leader in health, nutrition, and integrative medicine; and recently named as one of the 100 most influential people in health and fitness. I love his article 5 Simple (But Powerful) Tools for Fighting Stress and want to share it with you here. Chris...
Decision-Making and the Power of Action
Have you heard it said that "if you do not make a decision, you have still made one"? One of the keys to great leadership is the ability to make clear decisions in a timely manner. Not to do so causes confusion in the ranks and leaves forward motion to flounder. It's...
The Art of War and Executive Coaching
Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” is more than a military text; it’s a guide to understanding human nature, strategy, and leadership. The application of Sun Tzu’s principles extends beyond the battlefield into the corporate landscape, where battles are waged daily for market...
There is No TRYing in Life
ONE THREE-LETTER WORD YOU MAY WANT TO RETHINK. In honor of the upcoming New Year and new intentions, let's explore a word we probably all use frequently. It's a small and very powerful word, but not in the way you might think. It's the word TRY. How often do we use...
Achieving Business Success Using Culinary Leadership Techniques
In the world of haute cuisine, Michelin stars represent the pinnacle of culinary success. The journey to earn these coveted accolades holds valuable insights that extend far beyond the kitchen, reaching into the realm of leadership and corporate management. Let’s...
Exploring Servant Leadership
In July, we discussed 3 common leadership styles (autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire). This time, we delve into another: servant leadership. Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy that prioritizes the well-being and growth of individuals and teams over...
Book Summary: “Innovation is Everybody’s Business” by Robert Tucker
I became interested in the book Innovation is Everybody’s Business because it takes a different tact than most do on the subject. Instead of focusing on what the company, organization, or leadership can do to spur innovation, it focuses on what you, the employee, can...
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